Looking after your newly microbladed brows needn’t feel like a difficult task! This aftercare sheet (which is also attached as a PDF if you wish to print this) gives in-depth detail about your microblading aftercare to put you in possession of the facts and to counteract the huge amount of inconsistent advice that you might read online about how to take care of your microblading / semi permanent makeup across the internet sadly.
There is a large disparity in results that can be achieved from microblading and these results are based upon numerous factors such as the composition of the skin (i.e. oily versus dry), how much a customer bled during treatment (this should not be excessive), how much anaesthetic was used during treatment and, perhaps the most important, how well you look after your brows following your microblading treatment at LondonBrowClinic.
Due to the many variables that affect the healed results of microblading some people choose to have a top-up a few weeks after their initial treatment. It is advisable to wait the full 3-4 weeks post treatment before deciding if you want more so you are seeing the full result first.
If you follow the instructions below while healing (approximately 7 days immediately following treatment), you can expect to achieve a great result. Please do not underestimate the power of good aftercare.
The absolute best results come from keeping your microbladed brows constantly moist with the cream that you have been given for the next 7 days. Best results will result from wrapping the brows in cling film at night so they remain moist even when you sleep. Simply cut a long thing strip, cover the brows that are fully creamed underneath, and wrap twice around the head so that the cling film wrap sticks to itself and not the skin (it will not stay in place otherwise). Doing this will ensure that the microbladed brows are kept moist through the night and promote the best heal. Alternatively use a travel pillow behind the neck and a pillow behind the knees to encourage sleeping on your back. This also works well. If you do not remain on your back throughout this first week one side may not heal well enough.
The small pot of cream you have been given will last you 7 days. During the day, apply a thin ‘film-like’ layer every 2 hours – as a result the brows will have a shiny appearance. At night, before bed, saturate the brows entirely with the cream and sleep on your back please.
If you strictly adhere to the above throughout the 7 days following the treatment, the individual blade strokes will heal independently from one another. If at any point, the brows have become dry, it is possible that the strokes will ‘fuse’ together when healing meaning that a scab will occur. If a scab forms it is highly likely that it will come away prematurely from the skin – meaning it will take pigment with it. This is the reason why I encourage you to keep your brows as moist as possible with the cream throughout the 7-day period following treatment. Small scabs will form, this is normal. They should be soft and come away individually providing the microbladed brows were kept moist and you slept on your back for the first week.
If you lose your pot of cream, don’t panic! Buy some Bepanthen in any chemist and use exactly as stated above.
The most important factor in aftercare is adhering to the use of the cream as instructed above and staying on your back when you sleep please...
There are however, further points you should take into consideration in the first 7 to 10 days while healing and in the weeks afterwards.
YOU CAN wash/cleanse your face and shower as normal while healing, just being careful to clean AROUND the brows. Keep the cream given on when showering so the brows remain moist and continue to heal well. REMEMBER: after washing/showering, pat the area to dry any water and immediately apply the cream again – do not allow them to dry out. It is imperative that the cream go on immediately if they have become wet. Ideally keep the brows void of as much water as possible!
YOU CAN exercise while healing. I would simply urge you to use caution with the level of exertion so that you are not sweating profusely into your new microbladed brows by LondonBrowClinic. Sweat is full of bacteria, the microbladed area has broken skin that needs to heal and so naturally you want to keep it clean of bacteria. An option if you really need or want to work out intensely is a sweat-band to stop any sweat seeping into the brows. The cream that you will be using naturally repels liquid so provides some protection from sweat...
DO NOT go swimming or sit in a sauna, steam room or jacuzzi while healing if you can avoid it– swimming pools and jacuzzi’s are full of chlorine (as mentioned above, the brow area is broken skin that needs to heal and so you don’t want a harsh chemical like chlorine in it). Steam rooms and saunas bring on excessive sweating – for the same reasons as above with exercise, best avoided whilst healing if possible.
DO NOT pick or scratch at any dry skin/flakiness or scabs while healing; let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause premature loss of pigment. IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It may appear as though the microbladed area has completely disappeared. This is just new skin forming. Within 1-4 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates. This is normal. It can take up to 4 weeks to see the full result.
DO NOT apply make-up to the brows while healing (it’s unlikely you would even need to do so during this period as the colour will be intense whilst healing). Cosmetics can be used on the brows once fully healed if you wish.
DO NOT bleach the area for one month following the procedure.
DO NOT thread, wax or have laser hair removal on the treated area while healing.
AVOID applying the following products to the brow area:
anti-acne products (eg. Benzoyl Peroxide, Proactiv, or Retin-A);
lightening creams (also known as skin-bleaching creams) such as hydroquinone; or
anti-aging products (see below)
Ingredients that might not immediately be obvious to you to avoid using on and around the brow area include Alpha Hydroxyls (known as AHAs), Vitamin C and ‘fruit extracts’. Anything that ends in ‘ic’ is an acid i.e. salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid, lactic acid. Products containing acids encourage skin cells to regenerate at a quicker pace - good for a youthful glow, but not good for your newly microbladed brows as these products will result in the brow pigment fading faster or going grey. You can still use these products on your face but exercise caution around the eyebrow area, ensure that when you put your product on, it doesn’t seep into the brow area.
If you are going away on holiday afterwards, please exercise caution by protecting the area with large sunglasses and/or a hat.